«MC «GeoCapital», Ltd. Co. carries out activities for the management of investment funds, mutual investment funds and non-state pension funds. «MC «GeoCapital», Ltd. Co. has also the right to carry out activities for the management of insurance reserves and pension savings of non-state pension funds, savings for housing provision of military personnel, mortgage coverage, funds of the compensation fund of the self-regulatory organization of appraisers, the target capital of a non-profit organization.
There is no combination with securities management activities. There is no risk of a conflict of interest, which is possible when combining activities.
In order to comply with the requirements of the Federal Law «On Investment Funds» and the Standards of the NAUFOR SRO, of which the Company is a member, the Rules for Identifying and Controlling Conflicts of Interest, as well as Preventing Its Consequences, have been approved in «MC «GeoCapital», Ltd. Co.